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加入日期: 2022年6月3日
VFE (VisioForge Video Edit SDK) is an easy to use video editing Delphi component. With the help of VFE your application will be able to add video files and perform basic video processing functions. Supports multiple multimedia formats and encoders. Also supports general graphical overlays, image and video effects.The component also includes support for media information (video duration, video files size and etc.) as well as is able to generate thumbnail images. With the help of VFE it is possible to:- Multiple video formats support: AVI, 3GP, MP4, MOV, OGG, WMV, MPG, WAV, MP3- Encode multimedia files in the most popular video formats: MP4, MOV, AVI, 3GP, WMV- More video processing functions: deinterlace, denoise, chroma key, chroma key,- More powerful video effects: zoom, brightness, contrast, saturation- Set the encoding parameters and customize the video size, frame rate, codecs, bit rate and much more.- More multimedia information: video duration, video files size and etc.Visionics Java Lookup Toolbox is designed to be used as a Java library. It provides you with a set of classes that can allow you to build different parts of the Java apps you want to build.Classes and interfaces that can be useful for you to build a complete app, are listed below:* Lookups interface. Provides you the methods for searching for a string from a dictionary, a table or a list (or any kind of object). Just build a method that takes the type of objects you want to search on, and the exact text you want to search for (string), and call it to get the objects that match the query. This interface can also search on any of the other search fields you have defined (kind of objects, kind of tables, etc.)* Lookup (JSTL) tag. Provides you with the java:lookup tag that needs to be used as a tag in JSP page, using Java classes. The tag is responsible for extracting the specific details you have set in the Java class. For instance, if you have defined a String lookup for the class Book and you want to get the whole "category: Fiction" (defined by the String category) then you just need to add the lookup tag to your JSP page.* Search (JSTL) tag. Provides 08929e5ed8
VisioForge Video Edit SDK (Delphi Version) Crack Full Product Key
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