Besides you - Art Print
【𝔹𝕖𝕤𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕤 𝕐𝕠𝕦】
- 詩篇 73:25
“Whom have I in heaven but you?
You’re all I want! No one on earth means as much to me as you.”
- Psalms 73:25
I am thinking, what was the poet feeling when he was writing these sentences?
- Art Print一張HKD$129,3張HKD$330 (Apply Code - 330for3)
- Art Print 原本已包含紙框,另外配白畫框/木畫框+$80
- 滿$450包順豐運費
- 複印畫紙框尺寸 方形:18cmx18cm 長方16.5x22cm
- 畫框尺寸: 正方21x21cm 長方23x28cm
- Art Print HKD$129/1,HKD$330/3 (Apply Code - 330for3)
-Art Print with White Paper frame (extra wood/white frame +HKD$80/1)
-Shipping According to countries - Suggested - Fedex
- Paper frame size :18cmx18cm (square) 16.5x22cm (others)
-frame size : 21x21 cm (square) or 23x28cm (others)